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Call me Keri. Most people can't pronounce my real name. This is an experimental game. It ends up the same. Try and rip a part of it and it'll sound sorta lame. Stop makin me tame and I'll join your train, but keep on actin I'll step on your fame. Woorrrddd.
Currently Reading: Nothing! Sorry but college doesn't leave much time for please reading.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Oh Karl, how supercilious of you.

Wear expensive with expensive and cheap with cheap.

-Karl Lagerfeld

I could not disagree more wholeheartedly. Unless you have on an outfit that is perfectly worn in, can't-tell-its-designer designer, expensive clothing head-to-toe looks oh-so simulated. Of course, celebrities can pull off this combo but they also have stylists to help them. Plus, having dashes and bursts of cheap clothing that are quirky and fun gives a stuffy outfit a bit of character.

Anyways, that's all I have to say about that.

Today was rather busy so I didn't have time to post as much as I would have liked. Between colorguard practice, a sleepover, catching up with a longlost friend, and relatives who came into town, posting on I, Suburbanite was hard to come by. But, hey, it's only 2:23 a.m. and there is alot to talk about. Let's start with a music review; broaden your horizons a bit.

So what am I crazy about lately? Let's start with Mickey Avalon.

Yeah, I probably wouldn't want to touch him for fear of catching something treatable, but there's something about Avalon's catchy beats and quirky rhymes that have me hooked. As you may have noticed (or not) the first song on this blog's music player is Mickey Avalon; one of my favorite's So Rich, So Pretty. And if you've been listening (or not) the lyrics can be pretty raunchy and/or disgusting, but as is custom for Avalon. And thinks it's really funny when her nose goes bloody.Cuz the blows so yummy and it keeps her tummy empty. Uh...right...
All of his songs have a beat that make you want to get up and dance, like in Jane Fonda (1,2,3,4, get your booty on the dance floor, work it out) or Friends and Lovers (All my friends and all my lovers are dead). His songs seem to make subjects like suicide or sex seem funny and dance-worthy. His rapping is awkward and almost off-tempo but it seems to be his swag. And it'll make you want to get up and do the Jane Fonda.